Are You Getting Enough?


A CCCA educational project whose goal is to make all Canadians sufficient in Vitamin D, which is essential for optimal health.

Fellow Canadians,

We need your help!


Sign Our Petition

Our petition calls on the Canadian Government to update health guidelines, remove disincentives for Vitamin D blood tests, and promote Vitamin D sufficiency for all Canadians.

Let’s make a significant improvement in our collective health and save our country billions of dollars annually by simply paying attention to our vitamin D sufficiency.

Other important steps to promoting Vitamin D sufficiency:

  • Review our research: See the abstract ( click here ) and other materials ( click here )
  • Consider if you are vitamin D sufficient or if supplementary vitamin D is advisable for you, your family and your friends.
  • Discuss vitamin D testing and sufficiency with your doctor, nurse or other healthcare providers.
  • Contact the following with your vitamin D concerns: your local public health officer, provincial public health officer, provincial MP/MLA, federal MP, and any others who would benefit from you educating them.
  • Request that vitamin D testing be covered by provincial health plans to help citizens take appropriate doses of vitamin D.

Kanji Nakatsu, PhD

Emeritus Professor, Pharmacology, Queen’s University

Chair, CCCA Vitamin D Sufficiency Initiative

The “old guy” has enough Vit D in the tank to power a bicycle across Canada.

What’s the big D-eal?

Are Canadians Getting Enough?

Probably Not. Multiple studies have shown most Canadians have insufficient body levels of vitamin D (VitD, the sunshine vitamin) to ensure optimal health. The primary reason for this is inadequate exposure to sunlight’s ultraviolet (UV) rays because of our northern location and indoor work, although genetics, diet, skin pigmentation, clothing, sun screen use, air pollutants, age and other factors also contribute to VitD insufficiency

Why Worry?

Many Reasons. Low VitD levels are strongly associated with a broad spectrum of diseases that hamper our enjoyment of good health. Examples of these diseases include: cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, viral and bacterial infections, multiple sclerosis, dementia, other neurological disorders, and poor oral health

Where is it needed?

Everywhere! The fundamental importance of VitD is demonstrated by the location of specific receptors for this essential vitamin in virtually every type of human cell, where they regulate hundreds of cellular processes to maintain good health.

How much is enough?

More than you think. Evidence now shows that the amount of VitD needed to ensure bone health is lower than that required for optimal function of its many other actions. While Health Canada’s suggested daily dose for bone health ranges from 400 to 800 IU/day, many researchers, doctors and health associations advocate much higher daily doses. Our scientific assessment is based on blood levels of 125 nmol/l.  At 5000 IU/ day, it could take the average person 3-6 months to achieve sufficiency.  Thus, we recommend that citizens evaluate their own VitD sufficiency and consider supplementation as necessary.

Healthcare spending benefits?

Yes, a lot! Evidence indicates that the Canadian population would be significantly healthier if it were to become VitD sufficient. Moreover, the annual savings to healthcare costs would exceed $23 billion (~6-7% of total healthcare spending in Canada for 2023, estimated to be $344 billion).

Get Involved and Spread the Word!


  • Distribute “Are you getting enough?” information to your contacts

  • Distribute information about vitamin D through your social media contacts

  • Assist with the symposium

  • Help make one-minute videos about Vitamin D

  • Talk with your family doctor and other healthcare professionals about vitamin D sufficiency

  • Contact your public health officer, MP and MLA

  • Wear informative clothing like the “Are you getting enough?” T-shirt

  • Print and Sign our two-page petition; get your family and friends to sign it, and deliver it to your MP.

Symposium: Are You Getting Enough? Empowering Health with Vitamin D

Join us for an event filled with discussions, presentations, and workshops all about the importance of Vitamin D! Learn from experts in the field, ask questions, and connect with others who share your interest in health and wellness.

Whether you’re a health professional or just someone curious about how to optimize your Vitamin D intake, this event is for you. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to boost your knowledge and network with like-minded individuals. See you there!

Nov 1, 2024: Toronto, Ontario


Nov 1 2024


Montecassino Event Centre

**Online Attendance Option Available (Registration Required)**


Event and Registration Details (including prices):

Click Here

Sponsorship Opportunities:

Click Here

Nov 2, 2024: Chatham-Kent, Ontario


Nov 2 2024


Deer Run Golf & Country Club


Event and Registration Details (including prices):

Click Here

Sponsorship Opportunities:

Click Here

Thank You To Our Symposia Sponsors

The Vitamin D Symposia Organizing Committee extends its sincerest gratitude to the following Sponsors for supporting these important Vitamin D conferences. Please visit the Sponsors’ websites (linked through their logos below) to learn more about the products, services, research and/or educational opportunities they offer.

Kanji Cycles Across Canada


At the beginning of summer 2024, Dr. Kanji Nakatsu and his wife, Susie, started a bike ride across Canada to promote awareness of the health benefits of Vitamin D. Since the start of the journey in early May, they have crossed four provinces. Health issues put a hold on their cross-country cycling, but we invite you to show your support by helping Kanji and Susie reach their goal.

After you bike, kayak, swim, run, or walk this summer (i.e., any outdoor activity to boost your vitamin D) , please fill in our form to add your kilometres. Update your kilometre registration as often as you wish, and we will update the progress throughout the summer.

Share your activity on social media and tag us @DVitaMan on instagram or @CCCAlliance on X (Twitter) and use #VitDTour and #RUGettingEnough for a chance to be featured in our future updates.

Let’s join together to finish the ride across Canada!

Look for updates on Instagram @dvitaman and Facebook Kanji Nakatsu

Podcast and Videos

Research Materials


La vitamine D est essen,elle pour une santé op,male :
En avez-vous assez?

De nombreuses études ont montré que la plupart des Canadiennes et Canadiens ont des niveaux corporels insuffisants de vitamine D (VitD, la vitamine du soleil) pour assurer une santé op2male. La
principale raison en est l’exposi2on inadéquate aux rayons ultraviolets (UV) du soleil en raison de notre situa2on nordique et du travail à l’intérieur, bien que la géné2que, l’alimenta2on, la pigmenta2on de la peau, les vêtements, l’u2lisa2on d’un écran solaire, les polluants atmosphériques, l’âge et d’autres facteurs contribuent également à l’insuffisance de VitD.

May 31, 2024 Edition

Vitamin D is Essential for Optimal Health:
Are you getting enough?

Most Canadians do not have sufficient levels of vitamin D to support their physiology and optimal health. Known as the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D is essential for the function of virtually every cell in the human body, highlighting its potential impact on health and wellbeing. Ensuring adequate vitamin D levels is a simple, cost effective, and powerful public health initiative for optimizing the well-being of Canadians.

March 10, 2024 Edition

Appendix 1: Criticisms and Responses to the Report entitled “Vitamin D is Essential for Optimal Health: Are You Getting Enough?”

March 4, 2024 Edition

About the Canadian Citizens Care Alliance (CCCA)

CCCA’s Mission

The CCCA is a volunteer organization of citizens whose mission is to improve the health of Canadians by sharing quality, evidence-based educational information.

CCCA’s Membership

The CCCA’s membership of concerned citizens includes practitioners in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, psychology, and other allied health professionals. CCCA Membership also includes people from academic disciplines such as: biomedical, physical & engineering science, social sciences, law, accounting, philosophy and ethics.

CCCA’s Community Engagement

The CCCA engages with the community through regular educational presentations and emails to thousands of subscribers and hundreds of members who financially support its activities.

Get In Touch


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